Student of CSE Dept. becomes Candidate Master in Codeforces

We are happy to inform you that Araf Al Jami (Batch 37, CSE) has recently become Candidate Master in Problem Solving online judge Codeforces. His rating is 1914 now!

Codeforces is one of the most prestigious websites for competitive programming in the world and Jami is currently ranked 30 among 3555 programmers in Bangladesh.

He is also the very first programmer in LU history to accomplish this achievement.

Good performers in Codeforces are often noticed by Google, Microsoft, Amazon and other top software companies for Job Interview.

The Head of the Department of CSE Mr. Md. Asaduzzaman Khan, Former Coach & Assistant Professor (On Leave) Mr. Arif Ahmad, the current Programming Coach Mr. Md. Tahmid Rahman Laskar congratulated Jami for his awesome success in Codeforces.

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