Entity |
Telephone |
Email Address |
Leading University | PABX: 01313084499 | info@lus.ac.bd |
Office of the Treasurer | 01313084499, Ext. 120 | treasurer@lus.ac.bd |
Office of the Registrar | 01313084499, Ext. 130 | registrar@lus.ac.bd |
Office of the Controller of Exams | 01313084499, Ext. 150 | controller@lus.ac.bd |
Admission Section | 01313084499, Ext. 170 | admission@lus.ac.bd |
Public Relation Section | 01313084499, Ext. 175 | pro@lus.ac.bd |
Transport & Estate Section | 01313084499, Ext. 174 | te_ro@lus.ac.bd |
VC, Leading University, Sylhet | 01313084499, Ext. 110 | lugeneralcomplaint@lus.ac.bd |
Chairman, Complaint Committee on Sexual Harassment | 01313084499 | lusexualharassment@lus.ac.bd |
Academic |
Dept. of Business Administration | 01313084499, Ext. 181 | head_bua@lus.ac.bd |
Department of CSE | 01313084499, Ext. 221 | head_cse@lus.ac.bd |
Department of English | 01313084499, Ext. 241 | head_eng@lus.ac.bd |
Department of EEE | 01313084499, Ext. 200 | head_eee@lus.ac.bd |
Department of Civil Engineering | 01313084499, Ext. 190 | head_ce@lus.ac.bd |
Department of Architecture | 01313084499, Ext. 230 | head_arch@lus.ac.bd |
Department of Law | 01313084499, Ext. 211 | head_law@lus.ac.bd |
Department of Islamic Studies | 01313084499, Ext. 176 | head_is@lus.ac.bd |
Department of Public Health | 01313084499, Ext. 178 | head_ph@lus.ac.bd |
Department of THM | 01313084499, Ext. 160 | head_hm@lus.ac.bd |