Another monumental moment for programmers of Leading University as they proved their excellence by achieving their best result on a national platform. In National Collegiate Programming Contest (NCPC-2016) team LU_lEthArgic attained 15th position among 119 teams from all over the country. Among all public & private university, Leading University’s position is 7th and among private universities, Leading University is now the 2nd best in the country. The LU_lEthArgic team members are Shahriar Khan, Sudipto Chowdhury Dip, Ahmed Maruf. Another team from Leading University LU_Serious stood 60th Position. LU_Serious’s team members are Dipta Paul, Araf Al Jami, Raihan Hussain Zinuk Ali. Both the teams were coached by Saiful Ambia Chowdhury, Lecturer, Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering & Nikson Kanthi Paul. The NCPC was held on 12th March 2016 at University of Asia Pacific, Dhaka. Honorable Vice Chancellor of Leading University Professor Dr. Md. Qumruzzaman Chowdhury joins lunch with the participants and congratulates them for their achievement. He also encourage them to do well in future. All the faculty members and students of CSE department are very proud of the results and also very happy to see the dedication and hard work of the students are paying off. Everyone at Leading University wishes these students and faculty congratulation and wish that this achievement will motivate others for more success in future. CSE department also like to thank the previous coaches (Md. Mustafijur Rahman, Software Engineer, Google, Arif Ahmad, PhD Student, SUST) for their continuous dedication to build a programming culture in this department which become a guideline for current coaches & students.