EEE students presented their research papers in ICEEE-2017

‘International Conference on Electrical and Electronic Engineering, ICEEE-2017’ was held on 27-28 December, 2017. It was organized by the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Rajshahi University of Engineering and […]

Again LU-EEE boys ROCKS!!!

Only a few days back, they secured runner up in SUST-CSE Carnival-2017. And now they are the CHAMPION in a robotics competition organized by the North South university (NSU), Dhaka. […]

Success in IIT Bombay

Team “LU Juddha” secured runner-up position at a contest in “RoboVR Techfest 2016”, organized by IIT Bombay on 18th December, 2016. They secured this position in the category of “Sumo […]

2nd seminar on “Higher Study Abroad”

A seminar on “Higher Study Abroad” was held at the Sylhet Zilla Parishad Auditorium on 16th June, 2016. The seminar was organized by the Dept. of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, […]