Weather Information Forecasting and Climate prediction for Bangladesh based on Fuzzy Inference system

Abstract. The proposed system is a neuro-fuzzy (NF) based weather information forecasting system. wireless sensor network (WSN) have been used to collect input data. Input parameters, such as temperature, wind speed and rainfall were collected by the proposed model from a specific region and sends the data to sub-decision combining node. Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) model has determined the weather information index based on the inputs. For further processing, all the sub-decision combining nodes forward the pre-processed information to the central node. Depending on the last ten years data, the central node has compared the weather information index with the last ten years data which is stored in a database and then calculates weather information index. This model may also be used for real time weather forecasting and prediction system.

Keywords: Weather, Neuro fuzzy, prediction, Wireless sensor network.


Published in Jahangirnagar University Journal of Information Technology (JIT). ISSN: 2227-1279 (Print Version), 2304-3237 (Online Version)